

Change colors / gobos of existing fixture
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New Member
Posts:2 New Member

2023-04-11 16:22

    Hi guys, I can't figure out how I can change gobos or colors from a fixture I added to my projects. Here's what I did so far: 
    1.  I added the fixture "MUVI Halo Mini" from PURElight to my project. Gobos and colors are missing for this fixture. 
    2. I selected the fixture, in the properties I doubleclicked on color wheel and gobo wheel and created 2 new frame lists. I can see them in the designs tab -> frame lists.

    How can I modify the frame list of the fixture (e.g. replace the "missing filter" icon by a png / jpeg file with the matchting color)?  When I open the color frame list and right-click on any "missing filter" icon, I can see a command to add a frame, to delete a frame or to empty a frame. But how can I add the correct color icons or colors at all? 


    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2023-04-11 17:50
    • Accepted Answer

    I found the answer by myself so I guess this thread can be deleted. 

    The answer can be found in this YouTube tutorial from Capture:

    Veteran Member
    Posts:331 Veteran Member

    2023-04-12 11:31

    A way to replace gels or gobo's instead of first deleting them and then re-adding them would be nice to have as a future feature though ;-)

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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