

Sketchup Export
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Advanced Member
Posts:66 Advanced Member

2023-09-27 08:50

    Hi All,

    A request after lot of exange and trainning and Own experience.
    It' should be great to add Sketchup format (.skp) on export model feature.

    Skecthup Import work perfectly (with textures layers ....) export in this format could be very usefull.

    Thank you to have looK


    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-09-27 18:00

    What do you want to do with the added lighting fixtures in Sketchup? If you need to make a good paper plot, Capture is better for this in my opinion.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2023-09-28 10:00


    • Lots of Technical team works on skechup (theater decorations, constructs etc...)
    • Skechtup has Virtual Reallity Reday
    • Sketchup permit better Texturing tool
    • Sketchup permit geolocalisation of Model to send it to a production
    • Cad tool in sketchup are very powerfull (Layout is extrmely simple and powerful for a lot things)

    There is a lot of reason, I suppose you haven't yet worked enough with different trades on a long-term project, which requires numerous versions and back and forths between all stakeholders.
    No angry with this answer, but don't only thinking about simulate lighting.  ;-)

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-10-01 13:21

    Hi, I know that Sketchup is often used as a drawing tool. I do get a lot of designs from Sketchup. But once it is out of there is seldom goed back into Sketchup as it is not as versatile as a proper cad programmes are, like Vectorworks, Autocad,etc. That being said, you can always use an intermediate file format such as dwg to get stuff back into Sketchup. 

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2023-10-02 12:05

    Hello Florian,

    Thank for the DWG tips, I already use it, but as you know, this format is the worst for 3 D models and texturing.
    Capture Allready does a webcast around 3D formats.
    Yes vector work is powerfull, oposite to of Autocad is for me the champion of lagging your PC with 3D models,even if you system is very large and powerfull.

    It's allready exist DWG export in Capture, why not Sketchup too ?

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