

macOS Sanoma
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Posts:329 Veteran Member

2023-09-27 20:38
    Did the Capture developers beta test macOS Sanoma? Is there anything Capture users shouldn’t aware of before upgrading?
    I am especially interested if Mac users could benefit from the new Gaming mode while having a lighting console connected and using full screen live view.

    Anyone made the jump already? I usually wait for a break between projects and until at least the .x1.x update.
    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-10-03 08:56

    We are looking into it. We have seen some issues with the user interface ourselves, but on the other hand some users are reporting everything works fine.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-11-02 16:34

    Is there any news regarding the stability on MacOS Sanoma for the recent Capture update (October 30)?

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-11-14 09:00

    In this case no news is good news. In other words, it should be perfectly fine! We updated the download page to officially list Sonoma a week or two ago.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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