

3d text incorporation
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2023-10-20 10:02
     If it were possible, I would like to consider the option of incorporating the possibility of writing 3D text that is editable in size and stems of existing text.
    I think it would be a good tool to create a client logo with its corresponding text font.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:60 Advanced Member

    2023-11-07 15:44


    Veteran Member
    Posts:310 Veteran Member

    2023-11-08 16:48

    Adding text in general is already in the feature requests somewhere. Even if it is 2d text that can be exported with the model, it would make for an improvement.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    New Member
    Posts:5 New Member

    2024-04-22 06:53

    It would be very cool to have 3D text as something under forms, and you could type and resize the letters, maybe have a variable extrusion and place text as 3D objects in your drawing that would be visable from all angles and could really improve the look of presentations.

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