

Capture Mobile question
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Posts:107 Advanced Member

2023-10-23 15:14

    Hi all,

    I have tried opening a file on a new ipad Pro 11' and Capture mobile crashes. Admittedly it is a rather large file, just under 1GB. Is there any guide on the size of a project, that is feasible to open in Capture mobile?

    Thank you,

    Florian Baeumler
    Lighting Visualisation
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-11-02 09:50

    It's would be really hard to provide any number. It will be different for different devices and possibly also different versions of iOS and what else is already running. Unfortunately trial and error is what remains.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-11-02 16:12

    Would it be possible to provide the user with an error message instead of letting the app unceremoniously crash?

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-11-14 08:59

    We did spend a fair amount of hours trying to do exactly this, but it's very hard for the app to predict the total amount of memory required in advance and once we have used too much the OS is very brusque. We will likely be revisiting this topic with some regularity in hope for a solution.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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