

Numbering every single fixture
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Posts:22 Basic Member

2023-11-06 21:33
    Hi! For a project I’m using both Vectorworks and wysiwyg and I’m finding very useful their way of numbering fixtures: not only they permit like capture to automatically number fixtures but also, and this is the interesting point, to activate the Numbering action and click on every single fixtures to number, it automatically increases the number but you can control the number by shortcut “I” for increase of 1 unit; “D” to decrease of a unit.

    In this way is very easy to Numbering large plot with multi elements with same adresses.

    Is this something that you can implement?

    Thank you
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-11-06 22:54

    In a way, you can do the same in Capture. If you select the fixture in the order you want to number them, you can (by holding down the SHIFT-key) and then choose option+command+A (for assigning a channel number, using a Mac), you'd have your channels numbered in the right order with more or less the same amount of mouseclicks as in Wyg. The only difference is the order in which you have to do this.

    After this it is really easy to use the sort by channel column in the Fixtures tab to select the fixtures once more for assigning patch, unit numbers, etc.

    Also in Wysiwyg, you can choose to assign spot numbers (increased by +1), patch (increased by the number of dmx addresses needed for a certain fixture), purpose (a text field entered for all fixtures you assign in one run), and many more things all at once. This is the feature that I sometimes miss.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Basic Member
    Posts:22 Basic Member

    2024-04-25 10:46
    Hi, is this something that you could implement in a future version of capture?

    Ps: you tell us to insert features request on the forum but most of the time you don't give us any feedback
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2024-05-03 12:00

    While we read all posts, indeed we don't often give any feedback. The reason is it would actually be a tremendous amount of work. Supposedly you'd all like to know whether you can expect the feature you asked for to be in the next version or not, but we generally don't even know ourselves until it's done.

    You can only really expect feedback if you ask for something we already think exists, or if we don't understand quite what you mean or need.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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