

Patch in Fixturetab
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Posts:15 Basic Member

2023-11-15 21:20


    when i create my designs i often duplicate lights or move them so when i come to patching i can't just lasso select them from left to right and patch them, no idea how the order is selected but it is not straight, well this would be the first fixture request now that i write it.

    but even if i have to select them 1 by one my workflow (and i guess of most of the designers) ist to give them unitnumbers, then either when everything is sorted patch them or let the head of lighting do the patch as he has to build it and then patch my file.

    now that my fixtures have unitnumbers i can easily select them in the fixturetab in the right order but i can't patch there, not by rightclick, not by shortcut as the shortcut only works in the view window.

    and one more thing, i'm working on a multimonitor setup so also switching to the view window by shortcut and then use the patch shortcut doesn't work if the view is ejected and on a different screen.

    could you please improve this, i guess best would be to have the ability to just rightclick in the fixturetab after selecting the fixtures and have a patch option.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2023-11-17 09:44

    We are making fixture-related commands (such as patching) available in the Fixtures tab in Capture 2024.

    We will also take a look at navigation between ejected windows. We have filed a bug for it as it wasn't on our radar.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2023-11-17 09:52

    In the meantime, you can select your fixtures in the right order from the Fixtures tab and then drag them from the wireframe into your patch. This respects the order in which they where selected.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2023-11-20 21:31

    great !

    Basic Member
    Posts:15 Basic Member

    2023-11-20 21:32
    Posted By Floriaan on 2023-11-17 09:52

    In the meantime, you can select your fixtures in the right order from the Fixtures tab and then drag them from the wireframe into your patch. This respects the order in which they where selected.

    i know thatt still thank you for your help

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