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Posts:2 New Member

2024-01-05 13:44

    Hi I would like to request a new item, to me it would make sense to have it in stages in the objects folder.

    I would like a generic molton drape in the size of 3m X 6m it would be nice to able to edit the size in properties, like i often do with stage platforms.

    This would make ploting drapes very easy, it would show up on reports and you could just drag and drop drapes where ever needed.

    It would be speacialy nice if the snapping would include about 30-40cm overlap

    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-01-08 23:21

    Have a look at Objects->Forms->Curtains. Maybe that is what you are looking for.

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    New Member
    Posts:2 New Member

    2024-01-10 15:58
    Thank you, this is not what I am looking for, as this does not appear on reports, so counting them would be manual.
    I would like it to be an item.
    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-01-11 23:21

    The molton size you requested seems arbitrary. You might happen to own a border in that size, but it would require a lot of drape/curtain items of different sizes. Wouldn't it be easier to be able to count all objects in a certain layer and make that available in a report? This would give you the opportunity to create custom sizes and as long as you separate them by putting them on a different layer ordered by size, you can do what you want. This then extends to all sorts of (custom)items.

    PS It would be really useful to be able to see how many objects are selected as well...

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2024-02-01 11:05

    I would suggest you use the generic Curtain form in the library to create your standard sizes. Pair each curtain with a Report Item in a group. Then place these in a project file you can import from.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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