

Beyond Projectionzones
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Posts:3 New Member

2024-01-07 21:44


    I Try to map Lasers on Cubes. I want to realize my Mappin with the Projectinzone and Geometric settings in Beyond but the changes do not display in Capture. the size crop and transfom do no effekt. do I something wrong ?

    New Member
    Posts:8 New Member

    2024-01-08 00:12

    Pretty sure it doesnt work due to those settings affecting physical hardware in the lasers. So the changes you are making just dont translate since it is an emmulation. 

    Thats my guess. I use beyond with capture I can test next time I have my hardware out but I always do my zones @ venue due to being able to see real world issues

    New Member
    Posts:3 New Member

    2024-01-09 13:23

    Oh ok, sounds like I need to finde a workaround for Preprogramming 

    thx for your Answer

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