 Alfa Romeo presentation event in Milan

Alfa Romeo presentation event in Milan

Showcases  showcases 

Italy based Lighting Designer Alfredo Corni when asked to design the new Alfa Romeo Junior Elettrica car launch, he turned to Capture for pre-visualisation and pre-programming.

Having received very detailed renderings from Mr. Corni and after discussing his workflow with him, we would like to also share the specifics with you: First Mr. Corni received a .dwg file of the ACI headquarters in Milan that he moved to Sketch-up, in order to design the pillars and the 3D space. He then imported the .skp file into Capture and continued with adding textures and designing the lighting. And not just that! Video panels mapped with mediaDMX movers and rotators were associated with the car to simulate the entrance of it and the revolving stage.

The final design was then exported as MVR and imported into a GrandMA3. Having connected console and Capture via sACN, Mr. Corni continued with pre-programming the show.

In the designer’s own words: “almost everything in Capture is really friendly and easy to use“.

It always gives us enormous pleasure to know that Capture can be such a valuable tool to lighting designers from around the world. We will leave the video of the timecoded show below to do the rest of the talking:

Lighting Design: Alfredo Corni 
Production Agency: NEXT GROUP 
Technical medias Service: GIOCHI DI LUCE 
Media Contents: MOU FACTORY /GATE 1