Last year we thanked Tibo Spiessens for participating in our showcase reward program with his renders of Hestival 2018, and it seems this year he has made it again with Hestival 2019! It is very rewarding for us to see the mix of Capture renders and real photographs as we constantly strive to match reality.
So, let’s hear from him how he used Capture:
“The renders are made of a 1-day festival called ‘Hestival’, and is located in Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium. This festival was on 24-08-2019, it was the 15th anniversary of the festival. I designed the lightplot of the festival and contacted the guest-light operators of the different bands. I started the design process back in July.
“First, I imported a DWG-file of the stage, build by Stageco. When the stage was imported in the file, I started to make layers and name them by the different fixture types I was going to use. After this, I drew the truss structures, and made sure that the rigging points fit in the stage. On the truss I started to draw spot and wash fixtures.
“I was unsure about which type of fixture I was going to use as an extra effect, had the option between the SGM P-5 or the GLP JDC1. I made a comparison in the Capture Live view, and it soon became apparent I would use the GLP JDC-1, it’s such a bright fixture! After this I started to make building plots and patch-lists, all within Capture!
“The week before the actual Festival, I started pre-programming the show. I did this on a GrandMA 3 Light, which streamed artnet to the live view of Capture 2019. I exported the DMX patch list of all the fixtures, and imported it on my lighting desk.“
Hestival 2019 was a production of Stage-Unit NV, located in Heist-op-den-Berg.
Thank you Tibo for participating in our Showcase Reward Program. The free upgrade to Capture 2020 will be waiting for you once we release it.