Capture for Hestival 2018

Capture for Hestival 2018

Showcases  showcases 

The 2018 edition of Hestival, an open city festival in Heist-op-den-berg in Belgium, took place the 25th of August. The event was both produced and sponsored by Stage-Unit NV. Lighting designer and operator Tibo Spiessens, a Capture user of 2 years, used Capture to draw the plans and patch reports for as well as previsualize the show.

The stage was designed and suplied by Stageco who provided a CAD drawing of the stage that Tibo could import into Capture.

For the previsualization grandMA2 OnPC was used. Tibo imported the patch from Capture and used Art-Net to stream the DMX into Capture. 

We thank Tibo Spiessens for participating in our Showcase Reward Program.