19 Appendix

19.1 DMX Tables

19.1.1 Cameras

The cameras offer two DMX modes, Standard and Extended. The difference between these lies in the last two channels that allow for control of the current filter and scene of the camera’s view.

Standard Extended Function DMX Ranges Note
1 1 Catalog 0 - Unused
1-255 - Catalog 1 to 255
2 2 Camera Position 0 - Unused
1-255 - Camera Position 1 to 255
3 3 Time Coarse Transition time in hundredths of seconds,
from 0 to 655,35 seconds
4 4 Time Fine
5 5 Dampening Coarse 0% to 100%
6 6 Dampening Fine
7 7 Curvature Coarse 0% to 100%
8 8 Curvature Fine
9 9 Ambient Coarse 0% to 100%
10 10 Ambient Fine
11 11 Exposure Coarse -3EV to +3EV
12 12 Exposure Fine
13 Filter 0 - Unused
1-255 - Filters 1 to 255
14 Scene 0 - Unused
1-255 - Scenes 1 to 255

The following two Legacy 16-Bit Standard and Legacy 16-Bit Extended modes were present before Capture 2022.

Legacy 16-Bit,
Legacy 16-Bit,
Function DMX Ranges Note
1 1 X Coarse -50m to +50m (1)
2 2 X Fine
3 3 Y Coarse -50m to +50m (1)
4 4 Y Fine
5 5 Z Coarse -50m to +50m (1)
6 6 Z Fine
7 7 Pan Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
8 8 Pan Fine
9 9 Tilt Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
10 10 Tilt Fine
11 11 Pitch Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
12 12 Pitch Fine
13 13 Vertical Field of View Coarse 5° to 90° (1)
14 14 Vertical Field of View Fine
15 15 Ambient Coarse 0% to 100%
16 16 Ambient Fine
17 17 Exposure Coarse -3EV to +3EV
18 18 Exposure Fine
19 Filter 0 - 3, Filter 1
4 - 7, Filter 2

248 - 251, Filter 63
252 - 255, Filter 64
20 Scene 0 - 3, Scene 1
4 - 7, Scene 2

248 - 251, Scene 63
252 - 255, Scene 64

The following two Legacy 8-Bit Standard and Legacy 8-Bit Extended modes were present before Capture 2020.

Legacy 8-Bit,
Legacy 8-Bit,
Function DMX Ranges Note
1 1 X Coarse -50m to +50m (1)
2 2 X Fine
3 3 Y Coarse -50m to +50m (1)
4 4 Y Fine
5 5 Z Coarse -50m to +50m (1)
6 6 Z Fine
7 7 Pan Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
8 8 Pan Fine
9 9 Tilt Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
10 10 Tilt Fine
11 11 Pitch Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
12 12 Pitch Fine
13 13 (unused)
14 14 Ambient 0% to 100%
15 15 Lighting 0% to 100%
16 16 (unused)
17 Filter 0 - 3, Filter 1
4 - 7, Filter 2

248 - 251, Filter 63
252 - 255, Filter 64
18 Scene 0 - 3, Scene 1
4 - 7, Scene 2

248 - 251, Scene 63
252 - 255, Scene 64
  1. Can be overridden by the user in Capture.
  2. Mapping of project filters to indexes is done by the user in Capture.
  3. Mapping of project scenes to indexes is done by the user in Capture.

19.1.2 Smoke Boxes

Standard Function DMX Ranges
1 Density Coarse 0% to 100%
2 Density Fine
3 Variation Coarse 0% to 100%
4 Variation Fine

19.1.3 Media Players

Full Function DMX Ranges
1 Control 0 - 7, Pause
8 - 15, Play
16 - 23, Replay (Play again from start)
24 - 31, Stop
(32 - 255, Unused)
2 Selection 0, Playlist entry 1
1, Playlist entry 2
255, Playlist entry 256
Legacy Function DMX Ranges
1 Control 0 - 7, Pause
8 - 15, Play
16 - 23, Replay (Play again from start)
24 - 31, Stop
(32 - 255, Unused)
2 Selection 0 - 31, Playlist entry 1
32 - 63, Playlist entry 2
64 - 95, Playlist entry 3
96 - 127, Playlist entry 4
128 - 159, Playlist entry 5
160 - 191, Playlist entry 6
192 - 223, Playlist entry 7
224 - 255, Playlist entry 8

19.1.4 DMX Movers

16-bit XYZ Function DMX Ranges Note
1 X Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
2 X Fine
3 Y Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
4 Y Fine
5 Z Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
6 Z Fine
8-bit XYZ Function DMX Ranges Note
1 X 0% to 100% (1)
2 Y 0% to 100% (1)
3 Z 0% to 100% (1)
16-bit X Function DMX Ranges Note
1 X Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
2 X Fine
8-bit X Function DMX Ranges Note
1 X 0% to 100% (1)
16-bit Y Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Y Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
2 Y Fine
8-bit Y Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Y 0% to 100% (1)
16-bit Z Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Z Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
2 Z Fine
8-bit Z Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Z 0% to 100% (1)
  1. Actual ranges are defined inside Capture in terms of meters or feet.

19.1.5 DMX Rotators

Alpha 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Alpha Coarse 0% to 100% (1)
2 Alpha Fine
Alpha 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Alpha 0% to 100% (1)
Alpha & Speed 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Alpha Coarse 0% to 100% (2)
2 Alpha Fine
3 Speed Coarse 0 - 2559, Fast to slow
2560 - 33791, Reverse continuous, fast to slow
33792 - 34303, Standstill
34304 – 65535, Forward continuous, slow to fast
4 Speed Fine
Alpha & Speed 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Alpha 0% to 100% (2)
2 Speed 0 - 9, Fast to slow
10 - 131, Reverse continuous rotation, fast to slow
132 - 133, Standstill
134 - 255, Forward continuous rotation, slow to fast
  1. Actual ranges are defined inside Capture in terms of meters or feet.
  2. Actual range is defined inside Capture in terms of degrees.
  3. Speed is defined in terms of the time a revolution takes. The slow speed is 120s per revolution and the fast speed is 0.1s per revolution. Ie. if the range of the rotator is 720°, the fast speed is 720° / 120s = 6° / s and the slow speed is 720° / 0.1s = 7200° / s.

19.1.6 Special effects

These include CO2 jets, flame jets and water jets. The term “power” refers to the valve of CO2 and flame jets or the pump of water jets.

Power 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power 0% to 100%
Power & Tilt 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power 0% to 100%
2 Tilt -55° to +55° (1)
Power, Pan & Tilt 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power 0% to 100%
2 Pan -180° to +180° (1)
3 Tilt -55° to +55° (1)
Power, Pan, Pan Speed & Tilt 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power 0% to 100%
2 Pan -180° to +180° (1)
3 Pan Speed 0 - 9, Maximum
10 - 131, Reverse continuous rotation, fast to slow
132 - 133, Standstill
134 - 255, Forward continuous rotation, slow to fast
4 Tilt -55° to +55° (1)
Tilt & Power 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Tilt -55° to +55° (1)
2 Power 0% to 100%
Pan, Tilt & Power 8-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Pan -180° to +180° (1)
2 Tilt -55° to +55° (1)
3 Power 0% to 100%
Power 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power Coarse 0% to 100%
2 Power Fine
Power & Tilt 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power Coarse 0% to 100%
2 Power Fine
3 Tilt Coarse -55° to +55° (1)
4 Tilt Fine
Power, Pan & Tilt 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power Coarse 0% to 100%
2 Power Fine
3 Pan Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
4 Pan Fine
5 Tilt Coarse -55° to +55° (1)
6 Tilt Fine
Power, Pan, Pan Speed & Tilt 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Power Coarse 0% to 100%
2 Power Fine
3 Pan Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
4 Pan Fine
5 Pan Speed Coarse 0 - 2559, Maximum
2560 - 33791, Reverse continuous rotation, fast to slow
33792 - 34303, Standstill
34304 - 65535, Forward continuous rotation, slow to fast
6 Pan Speed Fine
7 Tilt Coarse -55° to +55° (1)
8 Tilt Fine
Tilt & Power 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Tilt Coarse -55° to +55° (1)
2 Tilt Fine
3 Power Coarse 0% to 100%
4 Power Fine
Pan, Tilt & Power 16-bit Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Pan Coarse -180° to +180° (1)
2 Pan Fine
3 Tilt Coarse -55° to +55° (1)
4 Tilt Fine
5 Power Coarse 0% to 100%
6 Power Fine
  1. Pan and tilt ranges can be defined inside Capture. Water jet valve control

Water jets have two controllers / patch points. The secondary controller provides valve control:

Valve Function DMX Ranges Note
1 Valve 0 - 127, Closed
128 - 255, Open

19.2 Pan & Tilt Calibration Guide

In order to help us correct issues with moving head fixture orientation, we may ask you to follow this guide.

19.2.1 Before You Start

Before you start the pan & tilt calibration procedure, please first make sure that in the settings of the fixture, no pan and/or tilt invert settings are active and that no overrides for its pan and/or tilt range are active. Also make sure that no pan and/or tilt settings are active in the DMX controller you are using during the calibration.

This guide assumes and requires that the fixture you are working with is positioned on the floor in front of you while observing it. Position the Fixture

Start with setting both pan and tilt to 50%. Position yourself or the fixture so that your shoulders are parallel with the yoke, as follows:


If at this point the display on the base of the fixture is facing away from you, either position yourself on the other side of the fixture or rotate the fixture 180 degrees (in either direction), as follows:

FixtureCalibration-2-BaseAlignment Pan Calibration

Question 1 – Now increase the pan parameter of the fixture from 50% towards 100%. Does the yoke rotate in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction?

Example below: anti-clockwise rotation (left image) and clockwise rotation (right image) as follows.


Set the fixture’s pan parameter to 50% again.

Question 2 – How many degrees would you need to rotate the base of the fixture so that its display faces you directly?

Example below: +45 degrees (left image), 0 degrees (center image) and -45 degrees (right image).

FixtureCalibration-4-PanOffset Tilt Calibration

Question 3 – Now increase the tilt parameter from 50% towards 100%. Does the aperture of the fixture move towards you or away from you?

Example below: the aperture moving towards (left image) and away from you (right image) as follows.


19.3 Protocols

19.3.1 Lighting Console Connectivity

Protocol Link Type macOS Windows
Art-Net Ethernet Yes Yes
CITP Ethernet Yes Yes
Compulite VC Ethernet Yes Yes
EntTec DMX USB Pro Mk1 & Mk2 USB Devices Yes Yes
ETC Eos 1 Ethernet / OSC Yes Yes
MA-Net2 2 Ethernet Yes
MA-Net3 3 Software Driver Yes Yes
Streaming ACN Ethernet Yes Yes

1 The IP address of the EOS console needs to be entered in Options. Bidirectional channel selection and pan/tilt feedback is supported.

2 Requires MA software version 2.9. To enable, use the Configure MA-Net.. command in the Universes Tab.

3 Requires installing plugin software for grandMA3 viz-key.

To install the grandMA3 viz-key plugin software, start the Plugin updater in the Connectivity Tab of the Options window and initiate the software update from the grandMA3 software. Multiple plugin versions can be installed simultaneously, but the version selected must match your grandMA3 software.

Note that most protocols have configuration options available under the Connectivity Tab of the Options window.

19.3.2 Other Protocols

Protocol Purpose macOS Windows
Blacktrax RTTrP Tracking Yes Yes
CITP / CAEX Laser Yes Yes
CITP / MSEX Video Yes Yes
Kinesys K2 Tracking Yes Yes
LaserAnimation Laser Yes Yes
NewTek NDI Video Yes Yes
OSC Automation Yes Yes
Pangolin Beyond Laser Yes Yes
PosiStageNet Tracking Yes Yes

19.3.3 OSC

Capture supports OSC 1.0 and 1.1 over TCP and UDP. The default port is 4004.

OSC address patterns and OSC bundles are not supported.

Verbose logging can be configured, e.g. to support troubleshooting. Ping

⤵️ /ping results in a ↩︎️ /pong + string product name + string version response. Camera Positions

⤵️ /getCatalogs results in a ↩︎️ /catalogs response with one int32 number per numbered catalog.

⤵️ /catalog/{n}/getName results in a ↩︎️ /catalog/{n}/name + string name response.

⤵️ /catalog/{n}/getPositions results in a ↩︎️ /catalog/{n}/positions response with one int32 number per numbered position.

⤵️ /catalog/{n}/position/{m}/getName results in a ↩︎️ /catalog/{n}/position/{m}/name + string name response.

Here n denotes a catalog number and m denotes a position number.

Example: /catalog/2/position/3/getName (gets the name of camera position 3 in catalog number 2). View Properties

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/ambientLighting + float32 [0, 1]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/automaticExposure + bool

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/bloom + float32 [0, 1]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/exposureAdjustment + float32 [-3, 3]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/fillLighting + float32 [0, 1]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/hueClamp + float32 [0, 1]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/laserFlickerEffect + bool

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/whiteBalance + float32 [2500, 10000]

These methods change the corresponding view properties.

Indexes 0 to 2 correspond to the Alpha, Beta and Gamma views. The live notation is a convenience for addressing the first (lowest index) view currently in live mode.

Example: /view/live/bloom + float 0.3 (sets bloom to 30% in the first view currently in live mode) View Status

⤵️ /view/live/getStatus results in a ↩︎️ /view/live/status + int32 index [-1, 2] + float cameraX + float cameraY + float cameraZ + float focusX + float focusY + float focusZ response.

Indexes 0 to 2 correspond to the Alpha, Beta and Gamma views. An index of -1 means that no view is currently in live mode. View Camera Positions

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/position + int32 catalogNr [1, 255] + int32 positionNr [1, 255]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/position + int32 catalogNr [1, 255] + int32 positionNr [1, 255] + float32 time [0, 600 seconds]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/position + int32 catalogNr [1, 255] + int32 positionNr [1, 255] + float32 time [0, 600 seconds] + float32 dampening [0, 1]

⤵️ /view/{0-2|live}/position + int32 catalogNr [1, 255] + int32 positionNr [1, 255] + float32 time [0, 600 seconds] + float32 dampening [0, 1] + float32 curvature [0, 1]

These methods trigger a camera position change for a view.

Note that the time, dampening and curvature arguments are optional. When omitted, these defaults are used: time=0 seconds (instant transition), dampening=0 and curvature=0.

Indexes 0 to 2 correspond to the Alpha, Beta and Gamma views. The live notation is a convenience for addressing the first (lowest index) view in live mode.

19.4 Administrative Licensing

It is possible to both install and uninstall licence key files for all users of a computer by running Capture from the command line with the arguments described below.

19.4.1 Installation

On Windows, run Capture.exe -installKeyFile <key file> in a command window or PowerShell with administrative privileges, adjusting the paths to Capture.exe and key_file as necessary.

On macOS, run "Capture 2024.app/Contents/MacOS/Capture" -installKeyFile <key file> in a terminal with administrative privileges, adjusting the paths to Capture 2024.app and key_file as necessary.

On success, Capture returns 0. On failure, Capture returns 1 and prints a single line error message to standard output.

Important: On Windows, Capture.exe is a not a command line utility. In order to acquire the contents of the output it needs to be redirected and you need to wait for the process to exit before analysing the result.

Important: In order for the unlocking to work during installation, Capture needs to be able to make an http call to www.capture.se and the licence key file must have been enabled for automated unlocking.

19.4.2 Uninstallation

On Windows, run Capture.exe -uninstallKeyFile in a command window or PowerShell with administrative privileges.

On macOS, run "Capture 2024.app/Contents/MacOS/Capture" -uninstallKeyFile in a terminal with administrative privilege.

On success, Capture returns 0. On failure, Capture returns 1 and prints a single line error message to standard output.

Important: In order for the locking to work during installation, Capture needs to be able to make an http call to www.capture.se. If this fails, the lock code will be presented on standard output.